Shemu PLC operates several plants including Bar-soap, Edible Oil, Liquid Detergent, Soap Noodles, and continuously expands its product line to meet consumer needs. With its commitment to quality and innovation, Shemu PLC remains a prominent player in the FMCG industry, offering a range of household essentials.
Acute health
This is a personal care or cosmetic product that is safe for consumers and other users under intended and reasonably foreseeable use. Additional information on toxicological endpoints is available from the supplier upon request.
Disposal should be in accordance with Federal, State/Provincial and Local regulations. For Household Settings: The following instructions are for consumer usage only. Do not discharge product into natural waters without pre-treatment or adequate dilution.
Eye: Contact may cause mild, transient irritation. Some redness and/or stinging may occur.
Skin: Not expected to be irritating, sensitizing, photoallergenic or phototoxic when used as intended. If irritation occurs following intended use or prolonged contact it is expected to be mild and transient.
Inhalation: Not expected to be irritating to the respiratory system. Not volatile therefore limited inhalation exposure anticipated.
Ingestion: Product used as intended is not expected to cause gastrointestinal irritation. Accidental ingestion of undiluted product may cause mild gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.